Frequently Asked Questions
Is it really 100% ROI?
Yes. We guarantee 100% ROI on every invoice.
Don’t you lose money on the guarantee?
Yep! On approximately 1 out of every 250 spends we will lose money on the guarantee.
Okay, but how much do you guarantee?
We’ve guaranteed invoices as large as $250,000 to date. There is no limit to the size of the guarantee.
Can I start with $100,000?
We wish! We start with a small rental ($5,000 or less) and we use the first spend to determine targeting, universes, and the best message. After that we work with you to let you know how much we recommend spending and how large the guarantee is we can provide.
Okay, I know what ROI is, but what's Ripple?
Ripple is the first company Sam Rivers started and it's where we continue to do launch management work. We work primarily on two month contracts with congressional races looking to flip red districts blue. Learn More here: